The Talsma-Hallam permeameter, as described in the Standard AS/NZS1547:2012, is used to measure saturated hydraulic conductivity.
Talsma-Hallam Permeameter
The Talsma-Hallam permeameter is suitable for use in soils with permeability in the range 0.009 to 2.9 metres/day (8.6 to 2,900 mm/day or 1×10-7 to 3×10-5 metres/second). This covers the range of soils to which treated effluent is typically applied.
The permeameter comes complete with a tripod and anti-scouring device which is designed to prevent stirring up sediment in the test hole when water is poured, and an evacuation pump.
Electronic copies of a suitable field recording sheet and spreadsheet for calculation of saturated hydraulic conductivity are supplied.
A 75mm auger (not supplied) is required to auger the necessary hole.
Comes with detailed instructions How to: Measure permeability using a constant head permeameter pdf.

$590.00 (includes gst and postage)